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Piano Studio
What kind of piano lessons are offered?
CSM's piano studio is our largest studio and for good reason...the piano is a terrific instrument to begin music with, and our piano staff is "da bomb!" We offer lessons that ground students in essential fundamentals with a slightly "classic" approach, while preparing students to be able to play in a whole range of styles as they develop. We introduce theory and promote ear training and composition, even with our beginning students to get them excited and engaged with their art and music. Our diverse team of piano instructors (shown below) come from a wide range of musical backgrounds including classical, jazz, pop/rock, worship and in between!
What is the minimum age for piano lessons?
Our recommended age for beginning piano is 5 years old. Younger students may be admitted upon an evaluation with one of our instructors. To setup an evaluation, please email CSM's Studio Manager and let us know what your needs may be.
What can I expect when starting piano lessons?
When beginning piano lessons, you can expect quite a bit of posture and finger exercise work. While this may seem mundane, these exercises are very important and help students avoid muscular injury and be more successful at playing in general. Written theory homework will also be assigned.
What kind of piano should I buy?
We recommend having a keyboard with weighted keys (keys with the same rebound action as a regular piano) and 88 keys. We teach lessons on 88 key digital pianos, so to avoid confusion between practicing at home and lesson performance, we recommend the full 88 (not required but definitely requested). Mr. Wayne wound be more than happy to help you select an instrument in your price range and space requirements. The Piano Company of Leesburg, Amazon and Ebay are great resources (though make sure to get a professional opinion from us or another trusted source before purchasing a used instrument). Our favorite introductory model (which we also use in our rent to own program) is the Casio Privia PX-770 and PX-1100 models. These are terrific instruments with a very nice touch, sound and tone, plus they are super sleek and can be moved around in your home easily.
What piano methods do you use?
We use a variety of piano methods at our school. If you are interested in a particular method, please discuss it with your instructor upon beginning lessons. Our instructors do their best to tailor a method or combination of methods to each student for a customized instructional curriculum.
If you are interested in starting Piano lessons, please click HERE.
Meet our Piano Instructors:

Jennene Estes

Wayne Estes

Alyssa Cowell

Jamey Mann

Rosemary Williams

Zoey Lamb

Dr. Eunji Park

Tanya Vanderheiden

Fernando Bolanos
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